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Banki.ru (master podbora zaymov) - Credit application

Active Created 2022/04/14 Updated 5 months ago
₽ 150.00 CPA
CATEGORY Страхование и финансы


The master of the selection of loans from the Bank.ru helps clients to promptly receive the necessary funds for a short period of time and on reasonable terms.Offer goals:Application for a loan.Target audience:Age from 21 to 67 yearsCredit history: g ...




  • GEO: Russia.
  • Negative words
  • Your own creatives / mailing texts must be coordinated with the advertiser before starting work. For approval, the material is sent finished (including graphics, text, titles, links, etc.) and exactly in the format in which you plan to use it.

When creating an advertising message, we ask you to take into account that the advertiser IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED:

  1. Misleading the user in any form;
  2. Placement and sending of advertising materials on behalf of the advertiser;
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Requirements for advertising materials:

The presence of a large and noticeable logo;

Using only branded fonts (available in the brandbook);

Using only branded colors in the main palette (available in the brandbook);

The presence of elements of corporate identity - a square with rounded corners (available in the brandbook);

In the main message, we use the wording "on " (example: "pick up a loan for Banks.ru");

Advertising must strictly comply with the Federal Law "On Advertising";

If you use images not from the brandbook, you must have the rights to use them. The use of images in violation of copyright is strictly prohibited.

Permitted traffic types:

  • Banner advertising.
  • Contextual advertising (except brand context).
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  • Teaser networks.
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The use of any traffic sources other than those specified in the permitted list must be previously agreed with the advertiser.

Exclude traffic types:

  • Motivated traffic.
  • E-mail marketing.
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  • SPAM in any form.
  • Adult.
  • ClickUnder advertising.
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  • Video traffic.
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16.00 %
₴ 1275.00
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