Boho Casino - Registration
Boho Casino guarantees the highest quality of the most popular and well-known online casino games and an unforgettable experience games in Live Casino.We offer more than 2500 variants of various online games, including slot machines, roulette, blackj ...
Minimum deposit: BR - 30 BRL, all other countries - 20$/EUR.
Baseline: no.
KPI: player activity.
CR: reg2dep on average - 35%
Test limit: 20 deposits
The best traffic sources: PPC, ASO.
Languages: PT, ENG, ES, FI, NO.
Number of registration fields: 5.
The rates in the offer are test rates, after the test of 20 deposits, the rates increase, depending on the quality of traffic.
- Multiaccounts, players without activity, minors, any motivated traffic are not paid.
- The postback is sent to the fact that the FTD was entered by the player in realtime.
- Multiaccounts and duplicates are not paid (cookie match)
- If any kind of fraud and fraudulent actions are detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.
- It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.