Smart Adv
Compressa Compression Knee Sleeve - DTC [US] (Email,Native,Social,Banner,Search,SEO) - CPA {No Brand Bidding}

US Only Converts on Sale Allowed: Native, Social, Email, Banner, PPC, Search, SEO ***Restrictions*** NO BIDDING ON THE FOLLOWING BRANDED TERMS: 1) Relevant Branded terms (e.g. Compressa, Compressa Knee Sleeve) Variations of the Branded Terms (i.e.: v ...
US Only Converts on Sale Allowed: Native, Social, Email, Banner, PPC, Search, SEO ***Restrictions*** NO BIDDING ON THE FOLLOWING BRANDED TERMS: 1) Relevant Branded terms (e.g. Compressa, Compressa Knee Sleeve) Variations of the Branded Terms (i.e.: variations of branded terms examples (e.g. thecompressa sleeve etc.) are also NOT ALLOWED. NO building branded FB pages that compete directly with the advertiser. ie - A branded FB page that uses the advertisers name NO use of the advertiser’s brand name in URL (e.g. www.compressareviews.com, www.compressafans.com, etc.) NO use of the advertiser's brand name in email address (e.g. compressas@gmail.com, knee@compressa.co, compressa@knee.io, etc.) NO GI email allowed. Only email traffic to TOP LEVEL and cable domains is allowed (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Cox, Time Warner, etc.) NO brokering to any networks is allowed The following Media Types are NOT ALLOWED: - Co-Reg - Survey - Pop under - Branded-terms - Incentivized - Network **DO NOT SAY** - Compressa will eliminate your pain/symptoms - Compressa is medical grade compression - Compressa is certified by the attorney general Etc