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Gazprombank - Universalynyy kredit new - Lssuing a loan

Expired Created 2023/08/03
₽ 8000.00 CPA
CATEGORY Страхование и финансы


Gazprombank is one of the largest universal financial institutions in Russia, providing a wide range of banking, financial, investment products and services to corporate and private clients, financial institutions, institutional and private investors ...




  • The file with the geography of delivery can be downloaded here. Update 29.05.2023
  • The Bank has the right to reserve the right to refuse payments for applications recognized as fraud (systematic misleading of the client, cukistaffing, as well as the transfer of invalid personal data, etc.), provided that they have not been paid, and disable webmasters attracting applications with fraud. Including in case of detection of the use of prohibited types of traffic.
  • Disclaimer, target audience and information about obtaining a loan HERE. Updated 20.06.2023.
  • In connection with the new law on advertising, Gazprombank urges partners and cooperating webmasters to use banners provided by the bank.  Any creative that the webmaster wants to create independently will be subject to approval. The advertiser is ready to go to a meeting and create additional necessary formats for placement.  Unfortunately, in case of detection of creatives not agreed by the bank, penalties will be imposed on the partner and the webmaster, up to disconnection.

Promotion from 20.06.23 to 20.08.2023:

  • 10 annual fuel reserves
  • 10 fuel reserves for 6 months
  • 25 fuel reserves for 3 months.

Terms of participation in the drawing (from 20.06.23-20.08.23):

  • Get a loan for any purpose secured by a car during the action period.
  • The loan term is from 3 years.
  • The amount the loan should be from 1 to 7 million rubles.
  • Necessary registration of a policy from CSJ Renaissance-Life.
  • Provide a car as a deposit. Available or purchased at the expense of credit funds that meets the requirements of the bank.
  • Use a loan. At the time of summing up Shares, the participant of the Action has not made an early repayment of the loan, as well as the termination of the issued policy of CSJ RJ.

Traffic types by agreement:

  • Discount and coupon aggregators.
  • E-mail marketing.
  • Push notifications.
  • Video traffic.
  • Applications / games in social networks.
  • SMS traffic.
  • Hypercontext advertising.


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