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«Dghekpot» - igrovaya sistema (CPA) -

Active Created 2023/02/27 Updated 2 months ago
₽ 2500.00 CPA
CATEGORY Азартные игры/Лотереи


Online casino "Jackpot" is the online representation of the well-known gambling brand that did not have enough fans in Russia and the CIS. The gaming system "Jackpot" is a variety of popular games, exciting promotions and tournaments for players. T ...




GEO - For more information, visit the support@advertise.ru.
Rate context BL 300 rubles.
Min dep 150 rubles

Test cap for each Web master 20, overkap not paid.

remuneration may be reduced due to the Commission for funding the account by the user depending on the method of payment:

  • WebMoney - 4,5%.
  • Mobile payment - 23%.
  • QIWI - 6,5-7,5%.
  • Yandex.Money - 8%.
  • Credit Cards - 5%.

The above dimensions commissions when replenishing the bills may vary within the range of 1-2%.

* Please note that in accordance with the Federal Law "On Advertising" and the Federal Law "On the Securities Market" are prohibited from promoting financial services and financial activities of forex dealers do not have the accreditation of the Central Bank and have not entered into a profile self-regulatory organization.
Advertise.ru warned his partners about the potentially possible violations when placing advertisements on their part and recommends that you read vysheoboznachennyh FZ before launching advertising campaigns.
Advertise.ru is not responsible for the actions of third parties in violation of the Russian law "On Advertising.

Exclude traffic types:

  • Teaser networks.
  • doorway traffic
  • Groups / communities in social networks.
  • Applications / games on social networks.
  • Banner advertising.
  • Mobile traffic.
  • PopUp advertising
  • ClickUnder advertising
  • Toolbar advertising
  • Cashback traffic
  • Motivated traffic.
  • Adult traffic.
  • Video traffic.
  • Retargeting.


$ 14.50

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