Guru Media
NeuroQuiet - VSL - Including Checkout Event Tracking - (Health) - Straight Sale - [US, DE, AU, FR + 12 more]
Created 2024/11/19
Updated 15 hours ago
Updated: 12/20/2024 - NeuroQuiet - VSL - Including Checkout Event Tracking - (Health) - Straight Sale - [US, DE, AU, FR + 12 more] - Standard payout: $115 - Countries accepted: US, CA, AU, BE, CH, DE, DK, FI, FR, UK, IT, LU, NL, NO, SE, SG
No Incent. No Coreg. No Survey. No PPV. No pop-up. No Trademark or Brand bidding. PPC is allowed only with proof of negative keywords. No SEO traffic. No SMS/MMS traffic. Do not use the term "scam" or any ads or presell pages that include it. No Rebrokering.
€ 55
$ 950.00
30.00 %
70.00 %
22.50 %
$20 - $30
$ 0.00
Up to 55% RevShare, up to €650 CPA