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GoHomeCoverage Home Insurance [US] (Native,Social,Banner,SEO,Search) - CPL {CreativeProofsRequired}

Active Created 2024/07/18 Updated 17 hours ago
$ 0.00 CPA
CATEGORY Auto Insurance


Conversion Point: Valid Lead Submit GEO: US Only Traffic Allowed: Social, Banner, PPC, Native, Push, SEO, Search Send ad creatives and LP to AM for approval Forbidden traffic types/false Advertisements Will NOT Be Paid For Please note the following ...



Conversion Point: Valid Lead Submit GEO: US Only Traffic Allowed: Social, Banner, PPC, Native, Push, SEO, Search Send ad creatives and LP to AM for approval Forbidden traffic types/false Advertisements Will NOT Be Paid For Please note the following restrictions: Our company will show no toleration nor will we pay for any / all conversions that became due to non compliant behaviour (as listed below) * NO Co-Registration Marketing. * NO Incentivized / Content Locking traffic. * NO Virtual currency traffic. * NO use of Rewards of any kind. * NO promotion via Chat or Private Messages to members/friends on social sites/networks. * NO use of copyrighted videos on YouTube or any other video/streaming site. * NO Spam (Email / Web / IM / SMS etc). * NO promotion on Craigslist or any other classified site. * NO Bot / Software Generated traffic of any kind. * NO AdWare / Spyware traffic allowed. * NO Misleading ads or creatives (All creatives require approval). * NO bidding on Brand name/Advertiser name keywords in AdWords/Bing/Yahoo/7Search or any other search engines (Brand Bidding). * NO traffic from other affiliate networks without a written approval in advance. * NO Substituted Search Engine Results Page. * NO Bundling of this offer with any other offers signup / installation process. * Duplicate/invalid leads/installs/sales/conversions will be charged back at the end of the month. Fake/false celebrity ads/endorsements are strictly prohibited


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