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Television Fanatic - PUBLIC - FIGSD - SAFARI - (XPxpu574)

Expired Created 2016/08/19
$ 0.15 CPA
CATEGORY Downloads - Toolbars
18 GEOs


Users download the TV Fanatic toolbar and gain access to news shows and movies. This offer is open to Pop Under Display traffic that cannot be generated by Adware. This offer has a cap allowance of 100 dl per day until quality has been confirmed ...



#Terms & Conditions ##Copyright – Trademarks – Branding The use of the Google API on any content site created to market any IAC offer is prohibited. This includes the use of the Google autofill, providing directions to the end user through the Google API or the use of a Google Map on a content site. Immediate action and chargebacks will ensue if an affiliate is caught using a Google API in any way. - No publisher marketing method may use an API or any other means to gate content behind an install marketing an IAC product. If a user is presented with search fields, the results must be clearly displayed alongside promotion of our offer (no pop-unders, windows too small to read the content, etc.). Examples of what's allowed / prohibited can be seen here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwUEp3GSxB_HZU1QN2xxbnowWjQ/view?usp=sharing The use of Mapquest, Google and all of its affiliated brands (Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, etc) are no longer allowed on new hosted landing pages, intermediary/splash pages on any non-hosted offers and/or in any adcopy used by publishers. - Cannot use a Mindspark logo in a way that implies ownership of the third-party hosted site and all Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on third-party hosted site must be third-party's (not Mindspark's). - Trademarks (terms, logos, names, products, companies, etc.) should not be used unless a partnership between the licensor and Mindspark is clearly stated. Please check with a Marketing Manager to confirm the ability to use a brand prior to inclusion. - Third-party brands cannot be singularly focused on; brands can only be mentioned in multiples E.g. for an InboxAce ad/page, the ad/page would not be able to just reference Hotmail® but rather at least two of the associated brands. - Exception – The following brands CANNOT be included in any creative whatsoever: MapQuest, Google and all of its affiliated brands (Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, etc.) - Proper Trademark or Registered symbol should be included next to each mention of our brand names on pages that are hosted by third parties. Only textual references can be made to third-party brands approved for inclusion. - No third-party brands or Mindspark branding may appear in the Tab Title of a page. - Domains purchased CANNOT use any branded or trademark terms within it. E.g. "www.google.server1.com", "www.mickeymousesite11.com", etc. ##Content - Site must accurately reflect the content available, including quantity and types/categories. No "bait and switch".I.e. Statements such as "thousands of recipes available" or "every card printable" must be true. - Third-party hosted sites must include a prominent reference to the toolbar download near the top of the page. The download cannot be made to appear optional. - Use of "Free": Free can be used in copy but cannot be used with absolutes; no "always free", no "100% free", no "completely free". These are misleading statements because users have to download a toolbar (and in some cases register) to access content. "Free with toolbar download" or "Download Free Toolbar" are accurate and acceptable. However, the term "free" should be avoided if an upsell option may occur at any point in the download process. - Pages should be completely self-contained and cannot contain advertising or links to 3rd party sites or unrelated offers, including blogs that reference third-party content. - Affiliates and networks are responsible for acquiring all necessary rights to display the images used on their sites. Images affiliates or networks do not have rights to cannot be used. Claims have to represent the product accurately. If you want to say "Save up to 75% off retail price!" you should qualify this by saying "*Based on availability" or err on the side of caution and check with Mindspark Compliance or a Marketing Manager. - Do not include ads for other companies on a Mindspark page. Serving ads from Google on a page marketing on of our offers is expressly prohibited. - Third-party affiliate sites cannot use and display any Mindspark assets in any format (thumbnail, previews, product logo, etc.) with the exception of the toolbar image. - Do not use language that can lead users to believe they are downloading a specific images or assets marketed on a page.E.g. "Get this cat screensaver" should be "Get cat screensavers". - If applicable, include a disclaimer on the page stating images used are only representative of the categories of products (such as screensavers). - All sites or landing pages which contain third-party content or games must comply with the standards agreed upon with the third-party and Mindspark. - All marketing materials must accurately represent the features of the product. If you are unsure of the features of a product, please download it and familiarize yourself with what its capabilities are prior to marketing it. E.g. InboxAce does not allow a user to check mail directly from the toolbar, no ads should make this claim. It does not provide access to Zoho Mail so no ads should make this claim. - Using singular trademarks/brandnames in URL's or in adcopy may result in chargebacks. - We will not tolerate, nor pay for, any downloads that come in as a result of non-compliance of the guidelines listed below. Violating affiliates will be blacklisted from marketing Mindspark (MSI) products in the future, and their accounts will be subject to a formal audit, which may result in account suspension or deactivation and payment forfeiture. We know that having your account deactivated and your payments forfeited would not be cool, which is why we highly recommend you read the guidelines outlined below, and then read them again. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these guidelines. We also highly recommend that you contact your Affiliate Manager for clarity on whether or not your landing pages and methods comply with the guidelines below. #MARKETING GUIDELINES (Additional) 1. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: You are not allowed to use of any Mindspark Interactive Network (MSI) intellectual property, other than the creatives made available to you. You may NOT use any screenshots of pages nor copyrighted material or content for any Mindspark brands You must ask for GlobalWide Media's written consent for any use of MSI web page screenshots or other content. 2. YOUR WEBSITE: You may not register or use a domain name, or use URLs which contain branded or trademark terms: Domains purchased CANNOT use any branded or trademark terms within it E.g. "www.google.server1.com", "www.mickeymousesite11.com", etc. The content of your site or web pages or application may not be targeted towards children under thirteen years of age. Splash Pages: Any action overlay should come right up as soon as the page is accessed without the need to click on anything. Make sure that words like "100% free" are not used. "Free Download" is still entirely acceptable. This is a toolbar. 3. EMAIL MARKETING: Do not email this offer to the same address more than twice during a single week and no more than once within a 24 hour period. You may not place our ad creatives or links to MSI web pages in unsolicited email and other types of spam. Do not use any messaging that is not supported by MSI products or their features. For example: "You have 3 ecards waiting in your inbox, download MyFunCards to see them"; or Your crush just sent you an ecard, find out who" ,etc. This type of messaging is NOT permitted for use in subject lines. 4. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING: You may not outbid Mindspark in Search Engine Marketing, i.e. your ads may not have a higher ranking than an official FWP listing. You may not market any Mindspark offer to children, please add the negative matched keywords found under the search creatives tab to ensure you are compliant. You may not direct traffic from any search engine directly to the landing page URL. All traffic must be directed through your own intermediary site, and Mindspark URLs must not be used as the "Display URL" in your ad copy, nor be in the title or description of your ad. For example: Get 10,000+ Free Smileys for Emails, IMs SmileyCentral.com Expresss your love with animated Smiley faces www.smileycentral.com The use of SmileyCentral.com and www.smileycentral.com are NOT permitted. 5. SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook marketing is strictly forbidden. 6. "BAIT-AND-SWITCH" The use of "Bait-and-Switch" methods is strictly forbidden. Site content and calls-to-action must clearly define the final landing page for the user. Sites must clearly describe what the user is being sent to. 7. CO-BRANDING: Utilizing 3rd party trademarks without prior written consent from GlobalWide Media is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, co-promoting approved IM trademarks (including landing pages, ad copy, and keywords), which must be approved by your Affiliate Manager first. Co-promoting Skype trademarks is strictly forbidden. 8. TOOLBAR INSTALLATION: You may not interfere with the toolbar installation process in any manner. Practices such as invisible methods to generate a download or a click through to our web pages are strictly forbidden. 9. All clicks or downloads must be initiated by affirmative end-user actions. 10. TOOLBAR BUNDLING: You may not bundle the toolbar with other products or downloadable applications without GlobalWide Media's prior written consent, to be provided or withheld at GlobalWide Media's sole and absolute discretion. 11. You may not condition the download of the toolbar upon any other download, action, or end-user act without GlobalWide Media's prior written consent, to be provided or withheld at GlobalWide Media's sole and absolute discretion. 12. You may not limit the functionality of the toolbar or make its functionalities dependent upon any other download, action, or end-user act without GlobalWide Media's prior written consent, to be provided or withheld at GlobalWide Media's sole and absolute discretion. 13. MISLEADING MESSAGING: Do not use any messaging that is not supported by our products or their features. For example: You have 3 ecards waiting in your inbox, download MyFunCards to see them", " Your crush just sent you an ecard, find out who" ,etc. This type of messaging is NOT permitted for use in subject lines or any other type of marketing (i.e. banners, SEM copy, etc.) as it is misleading. You may not mislead users on the nature of our products. Representations about the toolbars must comply with the following rules; You may not characterize the features of the product as "free" unless you add a disclaimer referring to the downloadable toolbar that needs to be installed for use of the products. You may not make any representation about the safety of our products other than: "No Adware"; "No Spyware". You may not discuss any safety aspects of any Zwinky feature. You may not make any representations about the compatibility of our products with other programs or web sites. 14. POP UPS/ POP UNDERS: You may not cause our ad creatives to be displayed through downloadable applications that cause advertisements to pop up outside of the use of the application (adware) or that collects information about users and their behavior on the internet (spyware). You may not engage in pop-up or pop-under advertising using any means involving third party software or websites. Pop up/unders delivered through downloadable software cannot engage in means that force clicks or perform redirects, or pop over a pay-per-click listing or natural search results. The use of Hotbar adware is expressly prohibited. 15. NETWORKS: Networks must not redirect broken links. Contact your Affiliate Manager if you require clarification. 16. MISCELLANEOUS: You may not display our ad creatives using any device, program, robot, Iframes, or hidden frames.You may not display our ad creatives using any device, program, robot, Iframes, or hidden frames. Do not target or use these keywords below: Kids Child Children Toddler Playschool Playground Infant Baby Babies Tot Tween Teenager Teen Kiddie Nina nino kiddie Kiddy juvenile adolescent boy girl young person young adult The use of any third-party property requires appropriate licensing and you may be required to demonstrate your right to its use. This includes, for example, images or dynamic maps hosted on your splash page. The placement of images or other materials without adequate permission will result in your immediate blacklist. Please reach out to your Affiliate Manager if you have any questions.


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