Tutu.ru - Paid order Cashback buses, coupons

Tutu. is the No. 1 Russian online travel service, operating since 2003. The service helps travelers to fully organize a trip — in one place, immediately buy plane tickets, train, bus, commuter train, Aeroexpress train, book a hotel, excursion or tour ...
GEO: Russia.
In the category of Train advertiser it works only with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as amended by the approved registry. If you agree to the entry in the register, please contact the affiliate network manager. Category Railway is not payable until you have agreed with the categories of Tours, air and bus can operate all webmasters without prior approval
On Harmonization contact the manager affiliate program
Tariff restrictions:
Train ticket - 2.61% (less than 390r).
Air-ticket - 1.30% (less than 650r).
Tours -1.30%
Conversion Landing:
Sale w / tickets: tutu.ru/poezda, tutu.ru/poezda/mini, tutu.travel (English version), ua.tutu.ru (version Ukraine) Ticket sale: avia.tutu.ru sale of tickets on the buses : bus.tutu.ru, https://ua.tutu.travel/bus (Ukrainian version), https://by.tutu.travel/bus (version Belarus)
- contextual advertising
Contextual advertising is permitted only for air section, e-mail sending only by prior agreement.
In all advertising words to add negative keywords.
- Can not be used as keywords brand name Travel sites.
- Prohibits all forms of contextual advertising that leads directly or with automatic redirect to the site tutu.ru .
- The text ads are prohibited from using the word brand from the list.
Doorway traffic
- You may not use doorway pages with automatic redirect, the so-called "Black" and "gray" doorway pages
- Prohibited use second-level domains with reference trademark tutu use according to the rules registered trademark
- Prohibited full backup of the structure and design of the main site tutu.ru , not to introduce visitors astray
EMAIL - Newsletter
- allowed only on an individual agreement with the administration of online store Tutu and advertise (you must write in support or your manager before applying for a job with the affiliate program)
- Spam is prohibited;
- It is forbidden to prevent illegal mass mailings through icq, soc. network, bulk placement of links, etc.
- Not allowed to do on behalf of the company newsletter Tutu.ru;
- Below shall be block, explaining, based on which the client received the mail and how he can unsubscribe from it.
General restrictions.
It is forbidden to automatically make the transition to the advertiser's site in a minimized window.
It is forbidden to automatically open an additional window after the transition to the advertiser's site.
Prohibited in order to attract customers / orders, the use of trademarks not belonging tutu.ru ;
Prohibited SEO optimization to attract traffic branded;
It is forbidden to create clones website tutu.ru and (or) use an interface similar to the interface of the website tutu.ru ;
It is forbidden to create groups in social networks on behalf of the company tutu.ru and use the brand logo and company colors (anything that might confuse the user and indicate that it is the official group);
It is forbidden to create groups in social networks on behalf of other companies and traveler's put a search form or a link to a site Tutu.Ru;
Denied an automatic redirect, or pop-up windows from closing and any other types of intrusive advertising. (PopUp, ClickUnder, Toolbar, etc.).
It is forbidden to connect metopoiskovikov sites and aggregators for Buses product.
Stop words: tu tu tutu tyty ty ty Tutu tuturu tu tu ru tutu ru ru Tutura Tutu that the ty ty ru tytyru. HERE
Exclude traffic types:
- Motivated traffic.
- Contextual advertising.
- Contextual advertising on the brand.
- Adult.
- Toolbar traffic.
- PopUp advertising.
- ClickUnder advertising.
- Doorway traffic.
- Email - sending (by agreement).
- Mobile traffic.
- Video traffic.