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[WEB/WAP] Finza (CPL) Spain
Finza is multifunctional finance seeking solution for the user in the Spanish market. Finza is a service, where the user obtains an account for himself for unlimited time and is able to apply to many different financial products starting from 100 eur ...
Descrip.on of the reasons, for which the ac.on may be declined: client is younger than 18 years old and have not paied 0.50 cent for valida.on. Spain Accepted traffic sources: Banner adver.sement Context adver.sement with following restric.ons: - use of Finza as Google Adwords keyword (also Display URL) in ad content - use of Finza keyword in domain name (also as part of the domain) - forbidden to create Google Adwords with Finza keywords - no permit traffic from social network Email distribu.on Traffic from social networks Mo.vated traffic Not allowe to use: Brand-bidding Name bidding Coupon sites Direct linking Media and Keyword restric.ons keywords Rank restric.ons Domain registra.on Link cloaking Conflict with search engine rules Prohibit evasion Viola.on of laws Rules and regula.ons Press releases Cookie stuffing Link intercep.on Gambling websites PTC Torrent Unwanted websites Cashback/ reward